Make It

Make It

Featuring real students, the fun, dynamic and high-energy hero film captures the school's personality and provides a gateway to engage with the brand more deeply.


Recently rebranded, Nottingham School of Art & Design wanted to create a campaign that positioned them as a “diverse hive of creativity and collaboration that connects and supports students who want to make an impact in society”.


Established in 1843, Nottingham School of Art & Design has a creative soul. From beginnings in traditional arts to today's focus on contemporary design and communication, generations of students have made beautiful things, lifelong friends, social change and forged successful careers. 

We wanted to create something that appealed to the creative and artistic sensibilities of our audience, while ensuring the academic, social, societal and professional aspects of the school were represented.

One key insight guided our creative thinking; regardless of craft, vocation and medium, our audience are makers.


Make It is a top of funnel campaign that can, and will, be used as an organising idea on which further campaigns, marketing comms and strategies can be built.

Tapping into the school's tradition, fusing the literal past with an abstract future, it alludes simultaneously to the act of making and the infinite number of creative, academic and professional possibilities each student has available to them. 

Engaging and challenging the audience to explore, experience and define what making it means to them, at Nottingham School of Art & Design.

We come to you

Creative people work best when they have a smile on their face, the bit between their teeth and more often than not, in their own space. Our lean, flexible and predominantly digital business model allows us to keep our costs down, while leveraging the best creative minds across the globe to produce top-draw work. So if you fancy a chat we can come to you, or we can meet in the middle and Hangout.

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